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Rio de Janeiro

There is no destination on earth more animated and exciting than Rio de Janeiro. Located in southeastern Brazil, Rio de Janeiro is the most visited city of South America due to its famous mountains, landmarks, beaches and Carnival festival.
Rio de Janeiro is situated on one of the world’s largest harbors surrounded by natural attractions that include the Sugarloaf and Corcovado mountains and famous beaches like Copacabana and Ipanema. Within this sprawling metropolis is Tijuca National Park, one of the world’s largest urban forests, teeming in native flora and fauna.
The city’s iconic landmark is the enormous Christ the Redeemer statue sitting atop Corcovado mountain. Other important landmarks include colonial fortresses, cathedrals, former presidential palaces and Maracanã Stadium, one of the world’s largest football stadiums.
Sadly, most people also know Rio for its crime and favelas. The favelas are areas of poor-quality housing, slums usually located on the city’s many mountain slopes, juxtaposed with middle-class neighborhoods.
Rio de Janerio is home to one of the world’s largest Carnival celebrations, renowned for its vibrant parades, costumes, dancing, music, fireworks and street parties. Outside of the festival, the city buzzes nightly with an abundance of bars and dance clubs.
Restaurants in Rio de Janeiro range from famous fast food chains to international cuisines and local establishments serving fresh seafood and traditional dishes like feijoada, a stew of black beans and meat with sides of rice and collard greens.
Getting around the city is easy with hundreds of buses, plenty of taxis and the subway.