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Norwegian Quota Scholarship Scheme for Developing Nations

Norwegian Quota Scholarship Scheme for Developing Nations

The Norwegian government provides scholarships for students from developing countries in the South and countries of Central- and East Europe and Central Asia under Quota Scheme.
Application Deadline: 07 Dec 2014
 Aim of Scheme:
The Goal of this scheme is to promote the internationalization of higher education and give developing country students relevant education that would also benefit their home countries when they return after graduation.
Finding a study programme/institution of interest:
See the participation institutions’ websites to find more detailed information about the study programmes, available courses, admission requirements and application procedures concerning the Quota Scheme. You may also search the online Master’s programme catalogue which provides an overview of all study programmes at Master’s level that are offered in English at Norwegian universities and university colleges.
All inquiries should be directed to the International Office at the institution in question. Applications should be sent directly to the institutions and SIU is not responsible for received applications.
Basic general requirements
As a student, you must apply directly from your home country. You must have stayed at least one year in your home country directly prior to the planned course of study at the Norwegian university /university college. To be eligible to apply for the Quota Scheme, you must be able to find your home country on this list.
Students usually apply for degree programmes that serve as a continuation of their studies in their home country or for courses which can be a joint part of a degree programme in their home country (joint degree or sandwich programmes). Most of the programmes offered are at Master’s or PhD level, but the Quota Scheme also offers certain Bachelor’s study programmes.
All candidates should typically have the following basic qualifications:
  • Secondary school certificates
  • Minimum two years of higher education from their home country
  • Some exceptions apply for certain professional educational courses at Bachelor’s level.
Further Details:
Please Click Here for more information.