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Temple of All Religions Kazan

or the Temple of the Universe (Russian: Vselensky Chram)  is an architectural complex, consisting of  several  types of religious architecture including an Orthodox church, a minaret, and a synagogue, among others. It is currently under construction, having been started in 1992 by local artist and philanthropist Ildar Khanov. The main idea of Khanov is that all religions are equal and there is no sense to  argue about it. He says that eventually the structure will have 16 cupolas, corresponding to the 16 major world religions. Although the temple is located quit far (in the Staroye Arakchino Microdistrict of Kazan), it is worth going there if you are interested in architecture.  You can reach this place with “electrichka” or with a bus (№ 2, 45): “Staroye Arakchino” stop.