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Brihadeeswarar Temple

Situated at the heart of a temple town in Tamil Nadu, Thanjavur (Tanjore), the Brihadeeswarar Temple or the Big Temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. This wonder was built over 1000 years by the Chola King, Raja Raja Chola I using granites. It is dedicated to Lord Brihadeeswarar, a form of Lord Shiva. The vimana or the tower is one of the tallest in the world and many of the interiors and the kalasha is said to be made from a single stone. It is a widely held belief that the gopuram doesn’t cast a shadow at all. The temple has fortified walls around it which is rumoured to have been built in the 16th century. The temple walls are filled with beautiful paintings which include both Chola and Nayaka murals that depict the majestic Lord Shiva.