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Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

The Bloomberg Arts Engagement Initiative helps to bring people into contact with the arts through mobile technology and uses technology to help improve visitor experience.
From June 2013, five cultural centres, (museums, art galleries and a nature garden), will receive 15 million dollars to improve the accessibility to their museums through the use of mobile technology, including 3D imaging and GPS.
Visitors of the museums, rather than using a traditional head-set device to learn about the paintings, sculptures or pieces on show at the institution, will be able to gain information and be guided by technology available on their mobile phones.The five centres to receive funding are the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, The New York Botanical Garden, and the Museum of Modern Art. This project is part of the Bloomberg Arts Engagement Initiative to improve interactivity and accessibility with the arts internationally, which began in 1999.