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Sao Paulo

Not only is Sao Paulo the largest city in Brazil, but it is also one of the largest in the world according to population. Located in southeastern Brazil, Sao Paulo is known for its skyscrapers, gastronomy and robust culture scene. Home to many ethnic groups from all over the globe including the largest Japanese community outside of Japan.
Dividing the city between its old and new districts, Paulista Avenue is the city’s busiest strip, brimming in businesses, shopping malls, art galleries, theaters, gourmet restaurants, coffee shops, cinemas and bars. Also nearby are family attractions such as the zoo, aquarium and theme parks.
Although Sao Paulo is known for its concrete jungle, it is also home to a large number of public parks and even portions of the Atlantic rainforest.
With thousands of restaurants, food in Sao Paulo is among the best in Brazil. What’s more, the city’s nightlife scene is also one of the country’s most sizzling with bars and clubs catering to every genre. Sao Paul also hosts a lively Carnival celebration but not as big as that of Rio de Janeiro.