Master Grants for Pakistan's Students at University of Ghent, Belgium - 2015
University of Ghent is offering master grants for students from selected developing countries in Belgium. Applicants, who already received a Master Grant in the past, are not eligible. These are awarded for the duration of the studies with a maximum of 2 years. In case of a two-year-programme the scholarship will only be paid for the full term if the student successfully completes the first year of the programme. The scholarship consists of an insurance, an allowance of 1000 euro per month, an installation fee of 500€ and a refund of the yearly tuition fee with a maximum of 80€.
Application Deadline: 24 Dec 2014
Programmes Offered:
Grants are provided in the field of;
- Rural Development
- Environmental Technology and Engineering
- Advanced Studies in European Law
- Marine Biodiversity and Conservation
- Nematology
- Plant Biotechnology
- Statistical Data Analysis
- Photonics Science and Engineering
- Textile Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Technology for Integrated Water Management
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
Course Level:
The grants are available for pursuing Master Degree Programme.
Maximum 2 years.
Number of Awads:
There are 10 Ten scholarships can be awarded.
Application Procedure:
Further Details: