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Manaus Brazil

The capital of the Amazonas state in northwestern Brazil, Manaus is an important tourist destination because it serves as a gateway to the Amazon rainforest.
As a result of the region’s flourishing rubber industry during the early 20th century, Manaus today is Northern Brazil’s largest metropolitan area, featuring distinguished landmarks like the Amazonas Opera House, the Adolpho Lisboa Market and the Rio Negro Palace.
Not only is the port of Manaus an important commercial hub for several manufacturing industries, but it also serves as the most popular starting point for river tours into the Amazon rainforest. Some of the most striking things to see on these tours include the Paricatuba Waterfall, Love Cascade and glimpses of the Pied tamarin, Brazil’s most endangered monkey. Another significant sight is the Meeting of the Waters, which is a natural phenomenon where the two rivers of Negro and Solimões run side by side for more than three miles without mixing.
Besides the rainforest and river, Manus also offers public parks, ecological parks, a botanical garden, zoo and one of Latin America’s largest national parks. Several beaches are here as well such as Ponta Negra with a number of restaurants, bars, shops and hotels.
Manaus is also home to a number of nightlife venues, annual festivals and sports teams. Cuisine here ranges ranges from international to local favorites like breaded filets from the pirarucu fish and pamonha, a dish of unshucked, green corn boiled in coconut milk.