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Salvador Brazil

A historic Old City, beautiful beaches, lively culture and one of the world’s biggest Carnival celebrations all fashion Salvador into one of Brazil’s top tourist destinations. One of the oldest cities in the Americas, Salvador is Brazil’s third largest city and the capital of the Bahia state.
Formerly a major center of sugar and slave trade, Salvador today still bears traces of its history in its Old City, which features colonial architecture, stunning churches and plazas where important events once occurred. Also found in the old quarter are many restaurants, bars, art galleries and handicraft shops. Contrastively, Salvador’s New City district is where all the modern day developments of shopping megaplexes, entertainment venues, golf courses and residential neighborhoods are located.
Situated on the coast of the Bay of All Saints, Salvador offers fantastic beaches that are ideal for sunbathing, swimming and surfing. Some of the most popular include Porto de Barra, Flamengo and Stella Maris.
One of Salvador’s main crowd-pullers is its annual Carnival celebration. Acclaimed as one of the largest in the world, this extravagant event involves music, dancing, parades, costumes and street parties.
Salvador’s cuisine is diverse with a wide selection of choices ranging from street vendors to fast food chains, Bahian eateries and international restaurants. Local specialties include abara, a cooked banana leaf stuffed with beans and spices. Additionally, bars and nightclubs are plentiful.
The Old City can be explored by foot and cable car.