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Yangshuo - China

Yangshuo is a popular tourist county and city near Guilin, Guangxi. The town is surrounded by karst mountains, winding rivers and beautiful scenery. It serves as a fantastic base camp for further exploration.
Yangshuo is popular among tourists for its karst peaks, rivers, caves, and temples as well as its laid back cafes and bars. As such, the city is visited by a large number of Chinese tourists and foreigners alike, and has a relatively big ex-pats community.

Yangshuo is now a relatively large tourist town, different from most typical Chinese towns. It is relatively air and noise pollution free, (provided you get away from major roadways), very clean (by Chinese standards) and does not usually suffer from endless massive traffic chaos. Instead, it harbours wonderful restaurants and shops, an almost unlimited number of hotels and hostels, and is fairly developed by mainland Chinese standards. Yangshuo is well-known amongst travellers in Southern China, and is a major stop on the trail of many independent travellers. The main reason people stop in the town is to explore the local countryside by bike, try their hand on the world class rock-climbing sites or take a bamboo raft down the river, viewing the famous ¥20 scene in the process.